Thursday, January 1, 2009

Thursday 1.1.2009 Happy New Year

Wow. I woke at 9:37 this morning, Daniel was still asleep. I got up and had breakfast and a quiet morning. He got up about 10:30.

We had a nice morning. His rash is mostly gone, although he's still itching in places. He took another benadryl (he's also on the prednisone taper), and before long, he announced he was going to lay down. He ended up sleeping another 3 hours or so. !!!

I putzed around, getting some of the seasonal decor down and put away, cleaned a closet, showered, put dinner in the oven. When he woke it was close to 4:30.

We ate and didn't do much the rest of the evening.

Tomorrow he is to call Dr. Karve, the cardiologist, to check in I think. Dan thinks he wants to go ahead with the cardiac cath and stents placement on the left coronary artery on Monday. I am scheduled to work tomorrow.

So that's our big new year. Thank you for reading. Hugs.

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year Aunt Kathy and Dan!

    I'm glad to hear Dan's doing well tonight.

    What a 2008, hey? We are thankful for so much this year. Tops on this list is knowing that our much loved Aunt Kathy is going strong and has kicked those mutant cells butts!!!

    We are soooo blessed to have a family such as ours, who does things, "because that's what you do"(thanks to Uncle David for small a quote that says so much).

    Our colors wrap around BOTH of you, to provide continued healing and health.

    Love you both,

