Thursday, January 29, 2009

Thursday 01.29.2009

Isn't it surprising when you fall asleep, wake up, knowing that a time interval has passed, and when you look at the clock it's long??

You know, I don't sleep at long intervals for the most part. If I'm lucky, 45 minutes to an hour and a half and I'm awake again. And I don't have the sense of how much time has passed, so I look at the clock. Most often, I'm surprised at the length (or brevity) of the interval.

Last night Daniel had gone to bed shortly after 10 while I was finishing up on the computer. And, having finished, I set the computer aside. I thought it was about 10:30. I sat here just a minute before getting up to go to bed. 11:34!! Huh?!? I must have dozed off.

After I got into bed I fell asleep, and woke up later, expecting it to be somewhere around 1 am. Nope. 4:21. No kidding? I had no sense that I had slept for a few hours or a few minutes. Of course I got up during the hot flash, used the restroom, wandered around the house until I had cooled off, and gone back to bed. Next time was 6:30 ish, and I listened to the radio for about a half hour before turning it off and going back to sleep. We both got up about 8.

I did a couple chores, repacked a Christmas box, took several of the Christmas decoration boxes over to the storage unit and put those away. Back at home, I had lunch then went to Jackson for a meeting. When I got home I pre-treated and laundered my winter coat. Daniel had made sandwiches for our trip to Chicago tomorrow, and I cut up celery, cucumber, apple to take, along with baby carrots, and waters. The Amtrak leaves at 0743. We'll be there!!

Daniel's blood sugars are finally in the 100's, with an occasional low 200. He's still itchy but the skin is so dry and flaky. It's not a rash making him itch.

Tomorrow we're up early. Both of us are looking forward to this trip. I hope the weather holds for a safe drive back to Holt.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    We hope your train trip to Illinois is enjoyable. Jim and I both enjoy riding the train. It may not be exactly smooth but relaxing.

    We were glad to hear Dan's blood sugar is finally going down. I guess he'll just have to use some moisturizing body wash to get rid of the dry skin, especially with it so cold outside.

    Have a wonderful train ride and a safe drive back home.

    Jim and Polly
