Monday, January 5, 2009

Monday 1.5.2009 Not Yet

Geesh. Daniel had another reaction during the night. Still pretty intense, but not as bad as the night before. The nurse gives IV medication which relieves the itching and redness and burning very quickly, lasting maybe 3-4 hours.

He spoke with the physician assistant, Jason, and Dr. Karve. Dan has tried to not use the IV medications today to see if this can be managed by the oral medications so that he can be discharged. His IV sites are only lasting 14-18 hours, too, and he's had several restarts already. The needle that was put in yesterday went bad this morning; he wanted to try not using the IV meds.

I worked today, and we were busy. The roads were dry each way. That was nice. After work I stopped at the house to change clothes before going up to the hospital.

Dan was dozing when I got there, about 8:45. He was itching again, and scratching. He said it felt like "ants coming out of my skin." He finally asked for more medicine--vistaril--and a sleeping pill. Maybe the combination will facilitate getting over the hump of this. He's discouraged and frustrated that no one has any other suggestions or ideas on how to treat what's going on, nor does anyone know the cause of it.....????

I stayed there until 9:30, then left.

I'm really tired tonight, and work Tuesday, too. I'm off to bed.

Thank you for reading, and praying for Dan's recovery. Hugs.

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