Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Tuesday 2.19.2008

Day 14, Treatment #2

I worked again today, a cold blow-y drive in the wee hours when all good people should be sleeping...

I did well this morning, though I can tell my body is "different". Aside from the hair, which I covered with a bright pink bandana. I have occasional "spikes" of nausea, which have been ending after shorter periods or longer periods, (therefore unpredictable) and the "burnt tongue" which is starting to regain some normal taste buds. Most food and beverages don't taste like they are "supposed" to.

We were quite busy this morning with discharges, and when afternoon came, we started getting admissions. I had arranged for someone to take over for me so that I could attend meetings from 2 o'clock on, and I was glad to be off the floor. Even though they're a great group, my energy level was slowly fading.

After the meetings ended, I finally left around 7 pm, close to the usual time I would be leaving. I went over to the care home in the blowing snow. Mom was sound asleep in the recliner, so sleeping that I couldn't waken her. Finally, after about 15 minutes, she stirred, and I got her up to the bathroom, washed up, and back to bed. She still has quite a loose cough, and a runny nose, too. I hope she doesn't feel miserable along with all that.

Back on the highway, the snow had stopped and the wind had blown the roadway clear. At home, I checked the mail, had a snack, and wrote here.

Tomorrow is a No Plans day. I hope to keep it that way.

Good night, and thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. Kathy,

    You are looking great, love your smile and laugh. Love your brother's sexy head. I have to laugh to myself every time I see him in the hall. You have a great family. I can see why you are always so up and motivated. You and your team keep up the good work. It helps me when I am having a crazy day like yesterday.

