Saturday, February 2, 2008

Saturday 2.2.2008

Day 18, Treatment #1

A better day today. I slept pretty good, got up, made a batch of pancakes. Yum !
After breakfast, Jeremy had phoned from Afghanistan. He seems to be doing as well as he can, considering. We talked for over an hour (voice over internet). I was happy to hear from him.

While we were on the phone, I had planned to try pulling my hair again, so I did. I got another pretty good amount out. It's interesting to see the scalp coming in to view. I know that most people just shave their heads when the hair starts falling out; for me, it's less dramatic to see it going in these stages.

I showered, and there wasn't any hair on the drain, so I did pretty good pulling the loose stuff out. I was surprised that this little bit of hair doesn't take but a few minutes to dry. I got the camera and took a few pics; please bear with the self-photos...

The second collection of hair, not quite as much as the first pulling, but still a significant amount.

It's getting pretty thin. After a while, I thought it might be a day to wear some kind of headcovering. But, the more I saw it, the more I thought I wouldn't.
I had to go into the hospital and pick up something, and I watched people's eyes. No big deal--they looked at my head and thought I had thin hair. I guess. They didn't stare like oh-my-gosh, look-at-her-head...
Over to the nursing home to feed Mom and get her tucked into bed, then back home for me. I visited with Dan, had a bite to eat, then checked the computer.
My Frank has new photos posted, and I selected one to put here.

Isn't he great!?! And yes, he shaved his eyebrows, too, because he said if I was going to lose mine, he was going to lose his. I told him I haven't lost mine, yet. Ok, he says. Mine are gone. Ok, I said. Do what you want with them...It doesn't look bad. It just surprised me he would shave his eyebrows.
That's all for now. I appreciate all of your support. That you are reading my writing. And commenting.


  1. KJ, I think it is really awesome the support you have from your son and brother, that must mean alot to you during this time. Your close to my heart...Love and Hugs xoxo Joy~

  2. Wow Kath! I'm kind of speechless here and I'm sorry for that. Warm thoughts coming your way.

  3. Hello Sunshine,,,you're still awesome with or without hair !! You have so many people that love and care about you every single day.
    Rays of warmth & comfort surround you today and always my friend. You can always tell Dan that full body massages and foot rubs stimulate hair growth !!??
    Peace & Peas,
    Miss B

  4. Hi Kathy, Sounds as if you are handling this whole process pretty well. But then I always knew you had a special strength. Your detailed documentation is an inspiration and learning experience for us all. Keep on keeping on. Lets keep Crapy Cancer on the run! Love and Prayers, Judy

  5. On the Eve of Bald
    by Mary Olsen Kelly
    (This is a poem that she wrote as her hair was falling out from chemotherapy.)

    Feathery Fine, Floating
    Wisps in the Wind
    Fine as spun silk

    Hair, falling like snow.
    Filling downy coverlets
    Birds dream of nests so soft

    Angel hair
    Shedding like dust
    Molting on my shoulders

    Clouds of gray and blond
    On the rug, on the pillow
    Falling, falling.

    Marking the Initiation
    She enters the temple
    Leaving vanity at its door.

