Saturday, January 31, 2009

Saturday 01.31.2009

I was sleeping sooo soundly--it must be close to 4. Oh my gosh, it's only 12:30. I got up and went to the bathroom, then back to bed. I was very happy that I settled back in and went back to sleep. The radio had been on a few minutes before I woke up. Too bad the phone didn't ring this morning to tell me to stay home....

I got up and felt like I was walking through mud most of the day. Really fatigued. And hot. Only a few times was I cold today. Fortunately, we had a great group working together. We were all glad to see the night shift come in.

On the drive to work this morning, I was recalling how nice of a day we had yesterday. And how tired we were when we got home. And that we had driven Dan's car to the train station. And that we didn't pick it up on the way home. Ha!! I laughed out loud.

I called Daniel about 9:30 this morning. We chit chatted a little; I gave him time to mention about the car. He didn't. So I asked him if he knew where his car was? He said "in the garage, why?" I told him that I had remembered that we had driven over to the train station, and we had both forgotten to stop there and get the car. We both laughed out loud. He said he'd call around to get a ride...

Before leaving the hospital, Dan had sent a message that he hadn't gotten the car, so when I got home we could go over together. oooookaaaayyyyyy. I'm really tired. It's not really very far away, but I did have a stop I had wanted to make on the way home. I decided to pass on the stop and go on home.

An uneventful drive, thank you God, and when I got home I went in to let Dan know I was there. He came right out, we went over to get the car, and got back home again. At first he didn't see it in the lot and wondered if it was still there. A larger SUV was beside it, blocking it from view.

I put a load of work clothes in the wash and worked on this post. If it's fragmented, I apologize.

That load is done now, and so is this post.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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