Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Tuesday 01.13.2009

I woke up this morning about 8:30 after being up only a couple times in the night. Dan said between last night and the night before there are no trees left standing. Well, you know what?? I've finally slept better without the horrible "can't breathe" hot flashes during the night. Yes, I've woke up with the aura, the sense of why am I awake, then the flush. I uncover, look over at Daniel to see if he's covered or not. Sometimes he's curled up with the blankets up under his chin, sometimes he's mostly uncovered, too. I often turn onto my back, turn the pillow over, and wait to cool down, maybe 10 minutes or so. If I re-cover too soon I get hot again, so I have to feel almost goose-bumpy to cover up. And the last couple of nights I've only had a couple of "warm-ups". Can I say "It's about time..."?

We had a good day. Dan went up to the clubhouse and did a light/medium workout, the first since the first cardiac catheterization/stents placement December 22. He came back feeling good--both physically and emotionally.

The sun came out in between the snow squalls. I got very bundled up and went outdoors for my walk. Yes, it was a little cold on the little bit of my face that was exposed, but it was lovely. Beautiful waves of snow in the open areas. Intriguing to me how the drifts grow and shift.

Dan had laid down before I went out, and was sleeping when I got back in. I changed clothes and drove up to the pharmacy to pick up prescription refills. He was up when I got back.

We had a pleasant evening together. He has drifted off to bed while I finish writing here.

Thank you to those who "came out" and commented on National Deblurker Day. I hope that other readers, like those in Florida, California, and New York, and where ever else is a red dot on the reader map, will at least say Hi.

I appreciate each of you, taking the time to share our lives. Hugs.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kathy,

    Yes we are here too. Although don't always read every day but try to "catch up" when time allows.
    Take care and we love ya

    Dave & Catherine
