Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wednesday 04.21.2010

I watched the lake a bit this morning before getting up. It looked like a light breeze/wind this morning, with some thin clouds trying to make it an overcast day.

I got up and had breakfast, and was figuring out what I was going to do before I left for home. Since the wind was coming from the north, and kind of light, I touched up/finished painting the wooden glider. And with the wind from that direction, I thought I would start burning the leaves that I've raked the last couple times here. I ended up getting all the leaves burnt, so when we put the dock in (hopefully May 5, 6, 7) I'll be able to rake and burn that area. I went in the house, changed clothes, finished packing/cleaning/putting things away, finally leaving the cabin around 1 o'clock.

A safe drive down, thank you God. I stopped at Diane's to check on her--she had a procedure done yesterday. She seemed to be doing well, though was a bit sore. I got back on the road, stopping at Meijer before going home. I picked up what I wanted and got home about 6.

Dan was home and helped me unload. I prepared supper while I unpacked and put things away, and was eating by 6:30. I was hungry! (Dan had already eaten...)

The rest of the evening I caught up on email and wrote here. I'll be off to bed soon.

This morning, and most of the day, I've felt fatigued and almost punky. Since I've been home, though, I feel a little better.

Tomorrow is a workday for both of us.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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