Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Tuesday 11.10.2009 On-Call, Again...

The radio came on, and the phone rang. On Call. Again. It's nice to have enough staff scheduled, but we have 3 of our docs off this week. So our census is down. Ahh, well, back to sleep...

Dan got up and left for work. I woke about 9, feeling energetic. All the things I could do today. First was to get up.

I decided to make bread in the bread machine, and put the ingredients in and started it. Then I had breakfast. While waiting for that to settle, I checked email and read a little.

I went out for a jog, which was very nice. I'm still surprised at the areas I perspire. Like my arms, the left one especially, are moist, and the inside of my elbows actually drip. Who knew?? And is it new?? Probably not, but after having the effects of the chemotherapy I sure notice different things about my body.

I cooled off and showered, and needed to eat again, so I fixed a plate of nachos for me. Yum.

Dan had called saying he was on his way home, but when I realized much later he still wasn't home yet, and was just going to call him, he arrived. (seems he had the "master" keys in his pocket which had to be returned. He hadn't gotten very far when he realized it, though.)

We had a quiet night and he has since gone to bed. I've done some more reading and will be going to bed soon myself. I've been hot and cold most of the day, and my breast has been making itself known.

Tomorrow is groceries and other errands.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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