Friday, April 9, 2010

Friday 04.09.2010

After some odd dreams last night, I slept pretty good this morning. I got out of bed around 9, I think.

Breakfast, shower, pedicure, manicure. That's better.

The sun broke through. I praised the Lord and went over to Home Depot to pick up a couple items and look at what carpet they have available. It turned out to be a good visit. A very nice lady let me browse through the carpet samples a while, then asked could she help? I told her about the Cabin, and what our needs are, and she was very helpful and knowledgeable about the carpet products there. I thanked Betty and she went on to help someone else. I picked up a couple of samples to show Dan...

He got home just as I had gotten the mail. He had had a "challenging" day. We chatted a bit, and while I was fixing supper, I was surprised to see that he had gone in and laid down on the bed.

I had supper and was cleaning up the kitchen when he came out, saying he felt a little better, having rested and showered. He didn't want to eat, though, but fixed himself a sandwich.

We watched Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution--that guy is awesome--and Dan went on to bed. I had the second hour on while I wrote here.

Now for some yoga stretches and off to bed. Tomorrow is a workday for us both.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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