Thursday, July 9, 2009

Thursday 07.09.2009

What a day! I watched the sunrise in a clear sky reflected in the mirror of the lake. Beautiful. I dozed and finally woke for the day just after 10. At that time the temperature was mid 60's, the warmest it's been here in the last few weeks.

I had just finished breakfast and was enjoying a second cup of coffee and a library book when Tom called to offer his help putting the speedboat in the water. Cool.

I went out and tried the second boat cover that Overton's has sent. Unfortunately, it's the same misfit. I was just rolling it back up to send back when Tom pulled in with the van.

We went over to the neighbor's, who has graciously given me permission to use their boat lift. I took an outdoor power cord (it's an electric lift) and we hooked it up and lowered the bunkers so that we can put the boat on it when we get back.

First stop, gas station. $35.00 to fill the tank. Next, to the boat launch, where we had to wait our turn. We were 3rd in line, but it went quickly.

As Tom backed the boat down, I was a bit anxious. I haven't done this since 2001. I'm glad I had the mechanic go over it so I know it runs good. Ok. The back end is in the water, I climb into the boat. Hm. Blower on, Tom's backing down further, and I'm floating. I turn the key, and blub, blub, the engine fires up and all is well. It takes me a few minutes to re-acclimate, but it comes back to me, and I'm maneuvering the vessel out into the lake. Ooohhhh yeah. This is good. I wave to Tom and he takes off.

I putzed slowly to let the engine warm up. And when it finally did, zoom, I'm off. Oooohhhh yeah. I'm liking this.

Fast, then slow, then fast again. I go back to "our end" of the lake--I see that the van is back so I toot the horn to let him know I'm out front.

I pull onto the lift. Unfortunately, it is not in deep enough water for my boat to get all the way onto it. Tom and I tried a couple different ideas, but it wasn't going to work. So. We'll need to put in the screw in poles in the water to hook the boat to at the Jacque dock.

We dropped the boat trailer in the yard and Tom went on back to the Goodwin Cottage. I was pleasantly surprised when he came back in his fishing boat with his bathing suit and water shoes on. He got in the water, and between the two of us we got the stakes where they needed to be and the lines and clips adjusted to the appropriate lengths. He did a good job. Thank you, Tom.

I had called Polly to bring over the stakes I had over there, as we needed the other clips from them. She did, and after we were done, we all got in and went for a boat ride. Wonderful!! It felt so good being in the warm sun (it made it to 70 today)--even though the wind had picked up and the water was quite rough. When we came back in we hooked up to the tie-outs just fine.

Off they went on back to the Goodwin Cottage. It was getting close to 5 pm--time to eat. I put my stuff in the oven, and while it was heating up I went out and took care of the lift and the power cord.

Dinner was yummy, I washed the dishes and Daniel called. We talked a bit, then his dinner was ready so we ended our conversation.

After dinner, I rode my bike over to the GC--Jim decided to bring his computer over to the JC, so after visiting a few minutes we all went back to our place. He got on the internet and figured out what he needed to figure out, and they left. I thought I would paint more of the ceiling, and was getting ready to do that when there was a knock at the back door.

Mary, the lady across the road.

She came in, and was very concerned. She's older, maybe 70's. She told me she fell about 4:30, and now in her middle ribs it's really sore and hurts to take a deep breath. (Ain't it great being a nurse....) I listened to her, then asked her if she wanted me to look at it. She did. I didn't see any discoloration yet, but it did feel a bit swollen, and was definitely sore. After asking her if she has used motrin, she said yes, so I suggested that she take some and maybe ice the area? And would you like for me to come and check on you tomorrow?? She seemed greatly relieved that I offered. We visited just a few minutes before she left.

Now I'm kind of sleepy. Maybe I'll just read a little before I write here, instead of paint. And that's what I did.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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