Sunday, July 20, 2008

Saturday 7.19.2008 Splash Down!!

Party Day

I slept pretty good, only waking a few times. This morning I woke about 6:45, listened to the radio and dozed, but got up about 0730. I had a lot of things on my mind, and wanted to get the rest of the party prep done. Daniel was still snoring.

He got up after a while and joined me. It was hot and hazy and humid outdoors. At least it's not raining. I baked several dozen cookies, and after the last tray was out of the oven, we went over to the storage unit to pick up the rest of the chairs and another table. The table fit just fine in the convertible with the top down, and Daniel put the chairs in his car. (Bre and Nick are to take the table and matching chairs with them...)

Back home, we started setting up the garages. Chairs, tables, tv trays, coolers with bottled water. Daniel had cleared off the top of his work bench, and I put a bedsheet over it. I also put a sheet over the shelving. Daniel asked why I was doing that. I told him "to make it look better." He said, "It's a garage". I told him that's why I was covering the stuff, because "now it's Party Central." I think he thinks I'm nuts. I hung a silk plant in a hanging basket from the garage door rail, hung wind chimes on the other side by the opening, in case there was a breeze. In the other garage directly across, we had chairs. I wasn't sure just how we were going to place people in case of rain, and it was looking ominous. It's not raining yet, though. He went off to get ice.

I swept the pavement between the buildings. It took me a bit, and it started sprinkling just before I finished. The last few minutes I was out, I was sweeping wet sand. Ok, I'm done.

I went in the garage and sat there and watched it rain. Ok. What now. It's 11:00. I had a talk with the Lord, and decided that He had heard me and taken care of me so far. I'll trust that it will all work out. (Ok, but can the rain stop...?)

I went about placing the tables and chairs, looking to see how the traffic flow would be. I had the workbench, that had an outlet nearby for the crockpot of sloppy joes, and lots more room up there. I'll put Mr. Snowman Head beverage dispenser on the corner, filled with punch. And the carafe with coffee and fixings next to that. I also had 3 tables along the long side of the garage. I put tablecloths on each of them. Ok. I think that will work. It's still drizzling. It's time for me to shower.

So I did. I was drying off, and heard voices. I thought Daniel had the tv on. The I hear "KJ, KJ, I'm Here!!" It was Kathy Sue. They were here!! I looked at the clock, 1:40. I had planned to be ready by 2, and I will be. I stayed on track. Kind of. Well, mostly. And I was ready by 2. And the rain had stopped.

Jim and Polly came in, too. Not too long after, The Newlyweds, Breon and Nick Berry, and their friend Mike, came in. They needed to pack and load some of Breon's belongings. We visited a bit--they look great, and said they enjoyed their honeymoon in New Orleans.

Frank and Keesha arrived, Bruce came in, and it was time to start moving food out to the garage and setting up. Others arrived, too. It was wonderful to see all of you, and the hugs. We were placing the tables around outdoors when the drizzle started again. Back into the garages went the furniture. Ok. So we stay under cover. It's not storming, blowing, thunder, lightening...

We ate, enjoyed the fellowship and camaraderie and good food. I had forgotten that I had wanted to say a blessing, but most people were done now, and I asked if they would come over and join us. We all held hands, and I told them how frightened I was, and how the energies we share as we're all touching strengthened me, helped me to walk through The Door to receive treatments, and to surround me throughout the process. And I say to You, Dear Reader, as I said to those who were there--Thank You. From the bottom of my heart. The power that we have to support each other is a gift the Lord has given us, so that we can give and learn and love from each other. I am truly honored, humbled, and blessed to have been able to share this journey with each and every one of you.


  1. Great Day!! Just another in a long history of events experienced by our family that continues to reinforce the real blessings we find in each others presence. My heart does truly go out to those who do not have that kind of familial relationship ... we all know people who, through one cause or another, do not have the level of "built in" support we enjoy and are strengthend by.

    It was wonderful to gather at "Splashdown Central" yesterday and share in the celebration.

    Rain? I didn't see any. That moisture was Angel Tears, shed in joy for your successful journey back to planet Wellness.

    Enjoy your time at the cottage.

    All our love,

    Jim and Polly

  2. What a great party that was!! Truely a time of celebration! Loved being together with all the family, what a blessing it is to have each other, no matter what!!!! Blessings to you and Daniel for a contiued wellness trip in this thing called LIFE! Love to you both, hope to see you soon!!

  3. So Great to see you surrounded by those who have loved and supported you thru your journey and could Celebrate your 'Splash Down' back to wellness. Thanks for posting the photos--felt like I could see the love in all those faces!!
    Hope to see you in September.
    Love and Hugs,

  4. KJ, I am sorry that I wasn't able to come to your Splash Down but I had a prior commitment but do know that I pray for you and think the world of you.....xoxo love u always JB

  5. Hi Kathy,
    I was so glad that I was able to join you at your celebration party. What a fun time it was to be with all our family. It was really nice to be able to meet some of the women you work with who have also been on this journey to wellnes with you.
    I hope you have a great vacation up north at the Lake. A rest period WELL deserved.
    Thank you so much for calling me yesterday and giving me your support. I so appreciate all you do for me.
    God be with you always.
