Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tuesday 4.15.2008 New Hair Pics

New Hair

I'm convinced my hair is returning. On the back, the colick (how do you spell that sworly hair thing?) feels like it is going to be as unruly as before. I think it's a hoot how the remaining stragglers look like ostrich hair...

These are before and after make up, thanks to the Look Good Feel Better program. I know, it took a lot to put the "before" pic on, but I want you to see just how the much the brows have shed. And what I want to know is, how can some hair grow while other hair is just now coming out....???? It doesn't really matter now, as the last assault has launched, landed, and cleared. Well, mostly, anyway. My head is still not all better.

I didn't sleep much last night, restless, with the hots. I can only hope to learn to cope with them, or better yet, they go away!!

Today, Dan and I went out shoe shopping, as both my running shoes and work shoes have broken down. We were successful at Kohl's. Went to Meijer to gather food, then over to Cracker Barrel to eat. (Not a favorite place for me...) At home, we put our harvest away, then Daniel went out in the garage to "practice" his golf stuff, and I took my new shoes out for a walk. I think they liked it. I tried real hard to walk a "normal" pace, and did pretty good, but my head still likes to go a little slower. I can only think that I'm doing good for myself by getting outdoors and moving...

The birds were very noisy this evening. I came back in the house and spent time with the laptop.

Tomorrow is a workday, as is Thursday. Thursday, Daniel leaves for a 3 day golf escape to Kentucky. I hope he has good weather...

Thank you for reading. Hugs.


  1. Good Morning Sis. Thanks for the "heads-up" email last night. today, for the first time since the 31st of January, I didn't shave my head! Feels like I didn't complete my grooming ritual but I'm sure I'll get used to it ;)

    It was my honor and priviledge to share this small part of your experience. People at church and in Rotary and other acquaintenances would see my shiny pate and remember to ask about you, so I was able to keep folks updated with your great progress and help to keep you in their prayers. Looks like from your pics that your "new hair" has a bit of a head start on me so I will see how long it takes to catch up.

    All our love,

    Yer Brudder ... Jim

  2. i think it looks like soft baby fuzz...baby chicken down. i just want to rub it!
