Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Tuesday 06.30.2009

I slept pretty good overall, but woke with a slight headache. Probably a response to all that dirt I kicked up yesterday. I had breakfast and brew and lotsa water. I took it easy this morning, enjoying my library book while waiting a little before going out for a jog.

Temps almost 60, light wind, and overcast today. I had a good jog and a shower after.

Lunch. Now I have to go out to the garage and get the second coat of wax on that speedboat.

I wasn’t very perky out there in the garage. I came in and took Tylenol/motrin for neck pain that felt like it could lead to a migraine (which I haven’t had since stopping birth control pills in November 2007). I went back out and took my time. I got it done. I sure looks nice. Then I put on the new cover I got from Overton’s. It’s supposed to be sized for this boat, but it just doesn’t fit right. After walking around it and tugging on it several times, I decided to close up shop for the evening.

That put away, I came in and talked with Daniel on the phone. He’s had a busy day again at work.

I had a snack, read a little more, and wrote here. I’m thinking I could be painting, but I’m thinking that pacing myself is a better thing to do. I can paint some tomorrow. And maybe get someone to help me put the boat in the water. We’ll see.

That’s all for now.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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