Thursday, July 23, 2009

Thursday 07.23.2009 Barking Dogs

Dan and I both slept better last night, though I was still awake several times. I got up and got ready for work. Dan had gotten up too, a half hour after I did.

We left in the rain. It was a yucky drive--there were several different places where a small animal (a skunk was one of them) had been hit, and with the heavy rain and poor visibility, had been hit several more times and splattered across the road. Yes, it really was yucky. But I made it to Jackson safely, thank you God.

We had a great group of co-workers today, and a very busy group of patients. I think I only sat down maybe 3 times--twice to chart, and once for lunch. The rest of the time I was chasing the halls. I noticed my feet getting tired maybe around 2:30/3, but by the time I clocked out and changed into my street shoes they were sore. Oh yeah, I clocked out and ate dinner at 7:08.

No shuttle; I walked the two blocks to the parking lot, trying to keep a positive attitude and a pace faster than a small turtle. I made it, though, and was glad to finally get home. Getting out of the car was less than graceful, as was walking up the steps. No matter, home now.

I unpacked my things, changed clothes into my pajamas, talked with Daniel, and got off of my feet. Ahhhhh...... Oh man, my feet are sore. Them dogs have been barking for the three hours I've been home, but they're finally feeling better.

I had the foresight a few months ago to schedule my massage for tomorrow, 1 pm. Ooohhhh yeeaaaahhhhh. Looking good.....

Daniel has gone to bed, snoring almost immediately. I'll be going shortly, too.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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