Monday, July 13, 2009

Monday 07.13.2009

Another beautiful day, thank you, God.

I slept pretty good overall, waking only twice. This morning the sun was up over a quiet blue lake. I listened to the birds--the chirping, the cedar waxwings' fluff-fluff-fluff of their wingbeats as they chase the bugs outside the window, the big splash of the diving bird (kingfisher?) that sounds like a large rock being thrown into the water. I put my glasses on and watched for a bit, dozed a little, then read some before getting out of bed.

0930, Vonnie was up and on the dock in the sun with a book and coffee. She said the sun was quite warm, though the air was still cool.

We breakfasted, and went on with our day. We enjoyed being out in the paddleboat ride, and after a light lunch we ended up moving another small pile of larger branches, cleaning up that area so that it can be mowed, and raking the side yard. Then we planted a coreopsis She packed up her things, we had another light dinner, had our good-bye hugs, and she was on her way, about 7:30 pm.

It was a good visit.

I cleaned up the kitchen, talked with Daniel a bit, and wrote here.

It's been windy here today with a cool breeze and warm sun, maybe 70. The wind has changed directions at least three times already.

Tomorrow the crew is coming to put in a new buried telephone line to replace the existing one that was hit by lightning.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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