Friday, April 11, 2008

Friday 4.11.08

Yum, Massage Day

So after all the procedures and processes and infusions and head fuzziness, I was able to enjoy a massage today. The Massage Therapist I have been seeing is very busy, and is booked months ahead. This massage was scheduled back in January, and was the last of the ones scheduled at that time. So, of course, today I scheduled into July. Leah Hicks, Mason Massage. Wonder Woman.

The rest of the day was spent doing household chores--laundry, food prep, etc. I read a little, did computer stuff, blah blah.

I'm happy to say that my head is still clearing, though not 100%. And I realized that food actually had flavor. My underarm is very tender, as is the entire area that seems affected by whatever it is. Leah gently massaged it; I'm not sure that's what is going to remedy whatever is going on.

Daniel still has an occasional cough, with lightly colored sputum.

We had a few rain showers pass through, and intermittent sun.

Overall, it was a good day. Tomorrow is a workday, as is Sunday.

Thank you, God, thank you, Readers, for sending me your thoughts and prayers and energies and colors. Hugs.

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