Monday, May 27, 2013

Monday 05.27.2013 Memorial Day

I didn't have to go in this morning--turned off the radio and went back to sleep. I ended up snoozing on and off, finally waking at almost 9:30!!  I knew I was tired....

And I wanted to go run, but it was looking real gray, and was on the cool side.  Instead of talking myself out of a run, I talked myself into it after looking at the weather map. Looks like rain coming pretty soon. After an hour or so, I went out.

It was a little drippy, just enough to smell "wet pavement" occasionally. A steady light rain started as I was cooling off, walking the last bit home.

And it rained all the rest of the day.

I managed a shower, breakfast, and 3 or 4 loads of laundry. Fixed a nice salad for supper and enjoyed that, as well as good telephone conversation. 

10:00, and I'm ready for bed again. I needed this day of "not working".

I may go up to the lake tomorrow, or may wait until Wednesday. Not sure yet. 

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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