Saturday, March 6, 2010

Saturday 03.06.2010

I know I don't sleep well. I do try to hold still, keep quiet, not toss and turn. Daniel is very courteous about my sometimes restless sleep, and mostly snores through it. This morning, however, his comment was, "You don't sleep much, do you." Hm. "No, not usually." I must have been restless or something, or he had a rare night of not sleeping well. "Sorry if I kept you awake," I said. He was so kind as to not say anything else. We continued our morning and left for our J.O.B.s.

A safe drive down, thank you God. I parked and walked over to the hospital.

We had a fairly good day with a great group of co-workers, and it was finally time to leave.

A safe drive home, thanks again.

Dan had gone to some golf show with a friend and wasn't home yet. I unloaded the dishwasher and wrote here.

My left shoulder got a little achy shortly after noon today, but the tylenol/motrin took care of it. I'm going to need some lymphedema treatment before much longer.

Tomorrow is a workday for both of us.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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