Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sunday 09.20.2009

I was dreaming this morning, with the background music being a wonderful, bright violin concerto. After a while I surfaced, and realized that the music was really the radio/alarm, and that it had been on for several minutes. I smiled, listened a minute or two more, thanked God, and got up.

Dan didn't have to get up quite so early, as he's golfing this morning--something to do with the casino. I went into the kitchen for breakfast, finished getting my things ready, and headed south.

We had a good day today with a good group, and it was finally time to leave. As I was leaving the floor, a patient came down the hall with an IV pump beeping. One of the other nurses was unable to fix it; I put down my things, fooled with it a bit, and got it running. Now I left.

A safe drive home, thank you God, and I realize that I'm probably too tired/fatigued to drive the 3 hours to the cabin in the dark tonight. Darn. But I'd rather be safe than timely.

So, I gathered a few more items together, so that in the morning I'll add daily stuff and the cooler stuff, and head north. I'm looking forward to it.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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