Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sunday 03.22.2009 He Made It!

Just as the GPS had estimated, I saw the van pull in about 0115 ish. Woo Hoo! I was happy to see him. They had an uneventful drive (thank you God) and the New-To-Us van did well for them. Much to my surprise, we stayed up until about 2:30. Dan's friend stayed over, and in the morning we had breakfast before he continued on his way.

Of course Daniel was a "noisy" sleeper, so my interrupted sleep had looong periods of wakefulness. Yep. Happy to have him home.

Dan and I had a quiet day, catching up some of the past week. He had a lot of time on the computer; unpacked, did laundry, took a nap, shared dinner prep and clean up.

I've had some wicked hot flashes this evening--the kind that I feel like I can't breathe. And the sore shoulder and breast. I did take tylenol/motrin once today.

Tomorrow is a work day for me. I think Daniel is going to to continue his recuperation.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear that Dan made it back OK.

    Dave & Catherine
