Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sunday 11.9.2008

I slept pretty good again last night, thankfully. Have I turned a corner?? I think I've had maybe three consecutive nights of decent rest. I'm reluctant to think that I might have, then be disappointed when I'm laying there watching the darkness. I'll just accept each moment as it is...

I wasn't ready to get up, though, when the radio came on, but I did. I got myself ready for work and headed south.

We had a good day, as work goes. I faded, big time, around 5:00 pm. All of a sudden I just didn't feel good. Queasy, icky, don't feel good. Fortunately I was able to go and sit quietly for a short time. It did pass, somewhat, but then I was just tired. Hm.

And then it was time to leave. We clocked out, and our vehicles had a light snow cover. Yep. Snow. There wasn't much, but enough to have to brush it off. Oh yeah, I haven't put the snow brush in my car yet. So I started it, and it was light enough that the wiper blades brushed it off. After I got going, the wind did the rest.

The highway was wet, but the traffic was slower in a couple of places. It didn't feel slippery to me, but I wasn't zooming, either.

Daniel was home when I got there. We visited a bit, and I wrote here.

Throughout the day I noticed that the cording in my arm was "tight" and sore, and I consciously did some of the stretching exercises that Ike had suggested I try. They did help, but of course it's not gone.

Tomorrow I have my first mammogram since surgery. Yes, I'm anxious. Very. With the scar tissue from surgeries, tissue changes from radiation, and generally dense breast tissue anyway, I'm hoping that the process will be the best it can be. I will take the tylenol/motrin before going, and remember that you are out there helping me through the rough stuff. You know I'll be breathing...

And with that, I'm going off to bed.

Thank you for reading, for continuing to support me. Hugs.


  1. Hi Kath,
    Just stopping by on my wkly perusal and wanted to let you know you're in my thoughts and prayers. Hope the Mam. was gentle and you're shoulder OK.
    There's sunshine in between the clouds today --hope there's some in your day as well.
    Love always,


  2. Hi Vonnie

    So good to hear from you, my "out there" friend. Your thoughts and prayers are much appreciated.

    Love to you.

