Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Tuesday 12.4.2007

I'm happy to say I've slept well the last two nights. I left the wonder-bra off last night to see if the fluid under my arm would shift. I think it may have, just a bit--it kind of spread out. Still with a lump, though.

I called the Lymph Lady, Betty Toll, at the Foote Wellness Center downtown, who treated my arm in April when it was swolled up. (swollen--I just liked the way swolled sounded) I told her I'd had 2 surgeries for breast cancer, and that I have a half a tennis ball under my arm. She was unalarmed, said it was very normal to have swelling after breast surgery (I still haven't seen that in the pre-op literature), told me it might resolve in a week or two, and to use heat or ice, whichever I want to. Ok. Hm. She doesn't think seem to think it's a big deal. Of course, if it doesn't resolve, she'd be happy to see me. Thanks, have a good day. Oh.

So I, almost hesitantly, got out the heating pad. Yes, it did feel good on my shoulder, but it sure made my breast ache. Well, better living through chemistry... 2 extra strength tylenol and 1/2 of a t3, and things were a little more tolerable.

I do think warming things up has lessened the edges of the lump. It's still there, but there also seems to be more fluid surrounding it. It jiggles when I tap it. Dan and I were giggling about it. I think I am very happy that all that fluid has not gone down my arm and into my hand.

Tomorrow, Wednesday, we see Dr. Sanchez about the pathology of Friday's tissue, and to discuss what's next.

I'm off to Jackson to feed Elaine. Thanks for reading, and for commenting. Ta!!!

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