Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Tuesday 05.07.2013

Yesterday, Monday, I spent a few hours outdoors trying to tame the growth in the yard. I pulled grass, cut suckers, found some new growth on an old clematis. Fed and watered the peonies, which last year, got frosted as the buds were forming. Looks like there are at least a few buds so far this year.

I enjoyed being out in the sun and listening to the birds.

I was also surprised to find a bird nest in the shrub next to my back door.  Yep--a robin nest. I startled the nest-sitter when I walked around the corner. And I can say the bird startled me, too, as it noisily flapped out. There were 3 blue eggs in it--I look forward to watching the little fledglings...

Today, I went out for a run in another beautiful, sunshiney morning, full of birdsong. I checked on the bird nest...

4 eggs today!!  Very Cool! I don't think I've ever seen a new nest up close, to watch them hatch and grow.

Breakfast, shower, and a meeting in the afternoon.

A stop at the store for fresh food; supper, and a quiet evening.

Continued prayers for our dear Aunt Lois, whose hip dislocated last night. Successful surgery this evening, and hoping for as easy of recovery as she could have.

Tomorrow is a workday.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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