Saturday, May 25, 2013

Saturday 05.25.2013

After not-much-sleep last night (I was cold, even with the electric mattress pad turned up. And I didn't want to get out of bed to turn the furnace up. I learned last night to just get up and be comfortable....)  I got up for the J.O.B.  Yep, glad I have it.

But, boy, was I tired today. The kind of tired that your head feels swimmy and you recognize the words and know their definitions, but putting everything together doesn't happen. Of course, I was with the Best Co-Workers Ever. I was able to get through the day safely, even helped a couple of patients with feeding issues.  Go Me!

At home, I continued with the laundry project I brought home from the lake. I went out and watered the plants, rinsed and put fresh water in the bird bath (the robin comes and drinks when I'm about 10 steps away from it....). Changed into jammas, switched the laundry a couple of times, and am ready for bed in a timely manner.

I'm looking forward to sleeping.

And getting up again in the morning.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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