Monday, March 5, 2012

Monday 03.05.2012

I dozed some through the night--not sleeping, really. When the radio came on, I checked out how I was feeling. Because if my nose was going to be dripping continually, I could not work.

Someone else had already requested to be off. Ugh. Well, I didn't feel too good, but I didn't feel bad enough to not go, so--off I went.

It was a busy day. I had an orientee with me, and it was a good opportunity to help her function throughout the day and the day's events. I wasn't feeling well. Stuffy head and altered voice. I continued the sudafed and tylenol and motrin. One dose when I got up, another sudafed 3 1/2 hours later, and another 4 hours after that. About 5 pm, I realized that it was time that I could have more medicine. But I didn't need it!! Hey! I'm feeling better!! Thank you God!

We finished the day with the wonderful co-workers and was able to clock out in a timely fashion.

I went over and unloaded the car before coming home.

At home, I loaded the car again, to drop off tomorrow night. I'm getting there.

So. I'm tired, and tired of "mouth breathing". I'm off to bed soon.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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