Sunday, April 24, 2011

Sunday 04.24.2011 Easter Sunday

I was happy to get home, and slept well. It was nice to not have to get up and get ready to leave. I saw that it was daylight, and almost 9 o'clock. I praised the Lord for the day, and for the gift of His Son, who has risen to Heaven. What a concept!!

A quiet morning; I find that I'm a little sore across the shoulders. Probably from moving the furniture, and painting over my head? I stretched and loosened up, then went outside for a walk/jog.

I did really well--I was able to jog the whole route today!! Woo Hoo!!

Dan called, saying he was off of work and coming home for the night. Since he didn't want any supper, I fixed myself a lovely salad to enjoy.

Frank came up this evening to visit with us. It was good to see him.

Now the laundry is finishing, Dan is long ago in bed, and Frank has left. I'll be emptying the dryer and going to bed myself.

Tomorrow is a workday for both of us.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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