Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Wednesday 01.05.2011

When I was breakfasting, I looked at my planner. Hooeee!!! I have a massage today!!! And not until 2:00, so I had time this morning.

I showered, did a little light housework, and it was time to go.

Leah did a marvelous job, as always, with my massaahhhge. She spent time on my left arm/shoulder/back/breast, and boy, did I feel better.

But also yucky.

As that lymph fluid gets moved I get "punky" feeling.

Daniel called to say he was on his way home, and he was going on into south Lansing for an errand, suggesting we meet at Los Tres Amigos.

We did, and he noticed right away that 1.) my arm was better and 2.) I looked icky. But after food and more water I started feeling better.

He slept in his chair a bit before going off to bed. I dozed, too.

He works tomorrow; I should go get some fresh produce.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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