Thursday, August 12, 2010

Thursday 08.12.2010

It was good to not have to get up this second morning. Dan got up and went to work; I went back to my interrupted sleep, waking shortly after 9.

I got up and ready for the day; running water on my wrist seems to help with the morning discomfort. I took the Motrin with breakfast, and then it was time to go to Leah's.

She did a great job, as usual, finding pockets of discomfort and making them better. Thank you, Leah. You are definitely part of my "care team". I'll see her again next month.

I stopped at the pharmacy to pick up the motrin refill, browsing around the store and finding a couple of other things that we wanted.

Back at home, I was hungry, and had a snack. I could have taken a nap, but didn't; instead I changed the filter on the water filter that is installed under the kitchen sink. It really wasn't difficult. The hardest part was getting the outer housing unscrewed. I got it, though, and was glad I was able to change it. No problem, easy peazy.

I found some meat in the freezer and took that out for supper. I ended up making a kind of beef and broccoli stir fry, and rice. It was actually pretty good. I surprise myself sometimes.

Dan got home, and we ate when it was ready. After I cleaned up the kitchen I went out for a walk. There must have been a bug hatch, because there were gnats all over me--head, arms, legs--eww. I ended up not staying out very long. It was good, though. I saw another group of baby ducks--maybe 11 of them--on the pond here. Pretty young, too. I was kind of surprised at how young they were.

Back inside, Dan was trying to stay awake. He has finally gone to bed, and I'm probably not far behind.

My wrist has been swollen most of the day today, even with the motrin. The hope is that it goes away at the end of treatment, if not before.

Tomorrow is a work day for both of us.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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