Saturday, June 19, 2010

Saturday 06.19.2010

Whew--that was a short night. Dan said he didn't hear me come in, but he woke and saw that I was in the bed and he went back to sleep.

A safe drive down this morning, with a beautiful sunrise showing through the end of the storm clouds. The Jackson area was hit kind of hard; several employees lost power and many didn't expect to have it restored until tomorrow night.

We had a good day on the overflow unit. I was happy to leave at 7 o'clock.

A safe drive home, thanks again.

Dan had been sleeping on the bed, but got up when I came in. We'll have a quiet evening, and maybe I'll be able to catch up on a little sleep tonight. My wrist is sore, and I've had tylenol and motrin a couple of times today. Maybe that will help me rest, too.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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