Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Wednesday 09.09.2009

Ugh. I woke about 8:30 with that terrible sinus pressure again. I decided to wait before taking medication to see what it would do.

I dressed and had breakfast, put another load of laundry in. Not feeling much better. It was hazy and damp and looks like it's trying to clear up. Maybe I'll go out for a jog.

I checked the thermometer. 80 degrees!!?? I stepped out onto the balcony. Yep. And humid. I'm not going out in this stuff. It's almost as bad as the hot flashes. And to be working and perspiring already... Nope.

So, I took a lovely shower instead. The warm water loosened my sinuses. I was surprised to see a bloody streak in what I blew out. But the pressure is less.

I checked the Internet, looking at email both personal and from the hospital, had lunch, and went out to Horrock's. Horrock's is a lovely grocery that has lots and lots of variety and produce. With good prices. I ended up with 3 bags of fruits and veggies and a gallon of milk for $17. I will still go to Meijer tomorrow for a few miscellaneous items.

When I got home, Daniel was home from work and in the shower. I got supper ready.

We ate, and spent a quiet evening together.

He has gone to bed, and I wrote here.

Can't wait to get back to the lake. I've got a couple weeks yet.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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