Monday, November 3, 2008

Monday 11.3.2008

I got up when the alarm came on, got myself ready for work, and headed out. There was lightning, no thunder, light drizzle/almost rain, and a dark wet drive. There were a few dead creatures alongside the road which is always gross; fortunately I did not contribute to the tally.

We had a good day, with good co-workers. I was orienting someone new to our unit. I talk a lot when I orient people so that I would feel comfortable working with them in less than optimal situations. I found that I was having a hard time finding words, and the concepts I was trying to present were skipping around. I managed to tell her most of what I wanted to today, but it was definitely difficult for me to maintain my own concentration.

I got home, visited with Daniel a little, showered the sweat-salt off of me, and wrote here. My left arm is sore beyond halfway down my forearm from the cording.

Tomorrow is another workday.

Thank you for reading.



  1. Hi Sis,

    Just a short note to let you know that we hold you in our prayers always.

    Yer 'Blurkin'" Brother and Sis-in-law,

    Jim and polly

  2. Hi Blurkers

    Thanks for leaving a comment.

    Even though you tell me you read every day, or at least frequently, I love the feedback.

    And thanks for the prayers.

    They're working...

    Love to you both

