Thursday, October 2, 2008

Wednesday 10.1.08

this post is written Thursday, NOT in the bathroom....

Wednesday, another day in bed.

I got up about noon, still roiling and, ahem, spewing. I had to shower. My vision was like a bowl of jello--when I turned my eyes everything jilted. Very odd. I'm moving slow.

Daniel was convinced it was time for medication. Ok, let me research the OTC antidiarrheals. Imodium and Pepto. I chose the pepto--the Imodium looks like big drugs, and I'm tired of those.

Dan went to the local CVS and came home with both. (what a guy) I did my best to swallow that stuff. Ewww... Within a few minutes I could feel it coating my stomach, and I will say, it felt better. I went to sleep.

An hour or so later I'm up again, to the bathroom, and the directions say every 1/2 to 1 hour. Ok, down the hatch. Dose #2. Back to sleep.

Gradually the stuff moved through the intestines, and as it did, no new "stuff" was being produced. I didn't take the Effexor and Tamoxifen yesterday, so I took it this afternoon. I also ate a small serving of chicken noodle soup. It tasted good... The times between bathroom trips stretched out, I slept, and the next thing I know it's dark, Dan's in bed. Hm. I wonder if I'll be able to go to work??

About 0200, I was up again with an event. My head was still unstable (is it ever stable?), so I called the J.O.B. place to be absent. No problem, get well. Back to bed with me.

And was I glad I did. Shortly after 5 am, up again, with more "stuff". I considered taking more pepto, but I could feel it moving through my intestines, and I'm almost done.

Back to bed. Hugs.

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