Thursday, September 25, 2008

Thursday 9.25.2008

Another Beautiful Day!!

Yes, I know I said that yesterday. Today is just as beautiful, with the blue sky, sunshine, pleasant temperatures.

I got up and got ready for my 0900 appointment with Ike.

Over at the therapy place, I was several minutes early, and I read a little. She came to The Door and called me back, and we went to room 2. A little chit chat, and she looked me over. The inner half of the breast was still pretty soft, and around the areola and nipple was better, too. Under my arm and around the side, though, still had fluid, as well as the outer side of the breast. Both incisions were still dimpled. I don't know if there are adhesions or if they are ever going to flatten out; I don't know if the adhesions are something to be concerned about.

Ike did her thing, and it was sore and uncomfortable, leftovers from Tuesday along with what she was doing today. At the end of the hour, the area under my arm was much better. I felt like my arm/shoulder was "hanging" right, or better, or something. Thank you, Ike, thank you God.

I went back home, made some fresh brew, started laundry. Daniel and I visited a bit, then he was off to a golf game. I spent my afternoon finishing laundry, doing food prep, minor household upkeep. I was just about to take a nap when Dan's daughter Kim stopped in, with her son Taylor and granddaughter Ja'Lynn. She had a large bird cage leftover from the garage sale that she had here, and she had someone meeting her here to pick it up. We visited a bit, then went outside to wait for the guy. He showed up before long, transaction completed.

They all left. Dan came home shortly after. I finished up supper, we ate, I cleaned up the kitchen.

My breast is pretty sore tonight--I haven't had any more tylenol/motrin since the early morning dose--and I'm pretty tired. The hot flashes are frequent, of course.

Tomorrow is a workday. I'm off to bed. Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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