Sunday, June 14, 2015

Sunday 06.14.2015

Another great day!!

Woke about 8 to overcast and intermittent drizzly skies.  That alternated between pouring rain, sun, and humidity.

I was going to walk over to Frank's while it was sunny, but it started raining just as I got out of the driveway. Hmm. Went back for an umbrella and started out again.


Nope, not walking in that.

I got back in the house and it started pouring again.

So I drove over.

We visited for a bit, and when I left, the pavement was drying and it was sunny again.

I went out for a walk, with an eye on the sky.  Sure enough, about halfway through, a light rain started. And it wasn't unpleasant. Cool, small, gentle drops on my warm skin felt kind of good! It was such a light rain, and intermittent, that it wasn't even dripping from me as I got back to the house.

But as soon as I was inside, it opened up again and poured.

So I put my supper in the oven, and cooked up the fruit I had for some preserves.  I ended up with 3 jars of rhubarb/strawberry/and a few raspberries yummy stuff.

A quiet rest of the night.

Tomorrow is a work day.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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