Thursday, August 21, 2014

Thursday 08.21.2014

Another great day at the lake!!

Breakfast with Jeremy and Matilda, then another paddle boat ride. She's pretty observant--looking around and taking in everything.

Back at the cottage, she wanted to nap.

While she was sleeping, Jeremy and I got the boat trailer hooked up.

After her wake up snack, we took both vehicles to the launch, leaving the van/trailer there (so the car seat didn't need to be moved....) and went back to the cottage for a boat ride in the speed boat.  I dropped them back at the dock and took a last ride on the lake and met them at the launch. Jeremy got the van, backed the trailer down the ramp, I drove the boat on, and that's how you trailer a boat!!  It went extremely well, one of the best put-the-boat-on-the-trailer events I've done!  Sweet!!

Since there isn't a manual car wash in Hale any more, I washed the algae slime from the bottom of the boat at the cottage. It was pretty yucky, even for being in the water only 5 weeks. Still a lot of discoloration remaining, so I'll need to find the product to remove it.

Jeremy got their things together and loaded, we had a bite to eat, and they went on their way back to TC and Jenny's family. It was sure good to see them one on one. And I get to see them again mid-September!! Yay!!

The clouds had been breaking up, and when the sun was through, it felt quite warm. I decided to get in the lake to remove the mooring stakes.  It took a bit of effort, but I got them out. Go Me!!  All that stuff is put away, and I was ready for a shower.

I got washed up, finished cleaning the kitchen at the GC, got the fridge defrosted and wiped out. I'll run the vacuum again tomorrow.

Went outside and watched the pileated woodpecker in the trees. I first heard the squawking, saw it on the tree with it's holes. Then it flew to the tree right next to me, and I watched it climbing around pecking in the bark, squawking some more. They're noisy!

The night descended, and I've had a chance to catch up some on the emails.

Tomorrow I'll take a trip to Hale, get the cottage finished, and start on the trailer.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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