Thursday, May 8, 2014

Thursday 05.08.2014 Travelin'

Last night after I posted, I made "one last trip" to the basement to get ready to leave today.

And my foot slipped off the edge of a step, and I fell.

I only went down 1 step, and landed on the landing (is that why it's called a "landing"), on my bottom. And my right foot hurt like crazy.  I looked at it--yep, this could be bad.  I think it would be said that the ankle rolled to the outside, and the foot was sideways towards the middle.  Ugh.  Funny the things that go through your head--I was wondering if I was going to need "The Button". You know, the can't get up button.

I breathed several deep breaths, and the pain didn't change much.  I shifted my position and gingerly tried moving the foot. Yes, it moved. Hurt like the dickens, but nothing obviously broken. I stood up and tried to put weight on it.  It hurt, but wasn't too bad.


I put some ice on it until I could get my thoughts together.  When I realized my foot wasn't going to fall off, I found an ace wrap and wrapped it, took some motrin (anti-inflammatory) and tylenol (did I say it really hurt?), and went to bed.

I was able to walk this morning, with a limp; didn't unwrap it to look at it, and finished getting ready to leave. It doesn't hurt as much as it did, but I've been taking the ibuprofen and tylenol when it's time, and I know when the tylenol wears off.

I did the errands I needed to do before leaving, loaded the car, and was on the road about 12:30. I was a little slower with the gimpy foot, but I did it.

It was 81 degrees on my car when I left the driveway in Jackson.  The drive has been uneventful, thank you God, and I stopped in Beckley, West Virginia for the night.  I unwrapped the ankle to shower. Yep--it's more swollen than I thought, and not as bruised looking as I thought it might be. Just a hint of discoloration.  Probably tore something, maybe a crack in a bone. I wrapped it back up after the shower, and elevated it, and it's throbbing a little. Doesn't hurt like it did, though. Just a little. And a little favoritism with weight bearing.

Tomorrow I'll finish the drive--GPS showed 6 hours.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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