Saturday, February 16, 2013

Saturday 02.16.2013

Pretty good day today!!

Phone rang this morning about 0730. I generally know who that might be, and it was.  Work.  Not enough staff, and lots of babies for the hearing screening. It's our first day of taking over; everyone was anxious about "having time" to do them. Could I come in and help??

Yes, I thought I might be able to. And I thought KS might like to go see that process.

I was right.

After breakfast, fixing a pot of soup, and setting up the bread machine, we went up to the hospital.

The other girls had to come and go, and helped me; even with their help, it was 2 hours and we got 3 babies done. Not sure how much of that is learning curve, and how much was "the way it is", but it seems that it might turn out to be a time-consuming process. We'll do what we need to do.

Back at the house, Frank pulled in behind us. We three enjoyed the company and the food.

Frank left, then KS left. I went out to shovel the driveway of about 2 inches of light fluffy stuff.

I needed to exercise, so I chose a yoga sequence and stretched. Amazing how that works.

Tomorrow I'll catch up on work emails and such, to get ready for the meetings this week. I'm happy I have a job.

Thankful, too, for the wonderful friends in my life. I am truly blessed.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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