Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Wednesday 10.17.2012

I slept better last night, feeling rested today.

Run, shower, breakfast. Frank stopped in just as I was leaving for an appointment; it was good to see him, even briefly.

After the appointment in Lansing I stopped home for a bite before going to the hospital for a meeting. That one was a good meeting, with a lot of little tidbits of enlightenment and flashes of awareness around the table as we piece this project together. So exciting--and the momentum is growing.

I finally got back home and fixed a yummy supper, ate, and cleaned up the kitchen. I thought I would go out for a few groceries, but it started raining. And it was dark. I decided to stay home and go out tomorrow.   

A quiet rest of the evening.

Thank you God for a beautiful day.

And thank you for reading. Hugs.

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