Sunday, October 28, 2012

Sunday 10.28.2012

What a day...

Worked, and it turned into one of those kind of "challenge" days. Like when everyone "needs" a lot of your time at the bedside. And you can't really help them/fix them; it's a time thing.  I heard a physician say once, "The tincture of time".   Surprising how sometimes we don't "get" how important it is to just let things happen....

I did my best, and it was finally time to leave.   *exhale*

Tomorrow I have to be back at the hospital a half hour earlier than a regular work day, because we're having the "kick off" for our Best Fed initiative; presenting it to the staff.  I'm hoping it goes well and that the staff will embrace it. 

The beautiful full moon this morning and cold air felt like winter is coming.....

Thank you for reading.  Hugs.

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