Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Wednesday 08.05.2012

I had a pretty good day today.

I was sore in the night and took another dose of the motrin and tylenol. It started working after I finally cooled off from a hot flash (I'm soooo tired of them....), and was able to drift off to sleep for maybe three hours. And even though the medicine was mostly worn off and I was getting a little uncomfortable again, I went out for a jog, hoping that it would help to move and loosen up.

It kind of did.

I didn't feel any worse, that's for sure.

Breakfast, shower, and to Leah's for a massage.

As she was working on the hips and back, she talked about the yoga exercises for the hips. Which got me to thinking.....Hey, I was doing some yoga the other day, really getting some good stretches in. Maybe I'm sore in those odd muscles. Regardless, I sure felt better when I left. Thank you, Leah!

I got my work done for a meeting tomorrow, read a little, ate, talked with Jeremy. He and Jenny are anxiously waiting for her to go into labor. Any day now....

Tomorrow is a workday, also a couple of meetings.

The stiffness is returning--I think I'll go stretch again.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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