Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sunday 02.12.2012

What a day...

I woke with a dull headache, with the neck tightness and sinus "stuffiness" that I know is migraine-related. Ugh. I hoped that after breakfast I would feel better.

I didn't, not really. A long, warm shower felt good.

I went through the house, looking at my "stuff", taking mental inventory.

The sky had cleared, and I wanted to go outdoors. So I got ready and went out for a run, hoping that would make me feel better.

It was a good choice. The sun felt really good, and I did feel better outdoors.

When I got back, I put more windshield washer fluid in the car. As I cooled off, I sorted through the cd's. I have a lot more music than I thought!!!

I fixed food, and started eating, but got "overcome" with nausea and felt awful. Ugh. I put the food on the counter and crawled into bed. Not on the bed, but in the bed. I ended up sleeping for and hour and a half or so. When I woke, I felt somewhat better, and wanted to sleep more, but that wouldn't do. I am scheduled to work tomorrow, and knew that I'd probably be wide awake by midnight. I got up.

And glad I did. I had a couple of phone calls, and made a couple of lists. Things to do...

I feel "hung over". A little fatigued, a little tired, and still a bit of that headache and nausea. I finished my food and took tylenol and motrin. I'll be back in bed soon.

Thank you all for your support. You're the best.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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