Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sunday 08.21.2011

This morning was quiet--a thin overcast cloud cover, though not gloomy, and it kind of cleared. After breakfast, we were gathering our belongings and doing the "closing chores" when a cool wind blew in, bringing a squall with it. It rained for maybe 15 minutes. It amazes me to see the pavement and roofs of buildings steaming after a short rain like that.

We got on the road about 2:45 and had an uneventful trip home, thank you God. A couple of stops later, we were in Holt just after 6 pm. To my (pleasant?) surprise, they sang Christmas Carols for quite a while. Of course, I joined them, amazing them with my knowledge of not only the first verse, but the third verses too. *smile*

I was glad to be home. They continued on their way. I started laundry, fixed supper and ate. And then I got tired.

Tomorrow is a workday, and Dan will be home tomorrow night. *smile again*

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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