Saturday, December 25, 2010

Saturday December 25, 2010 Merry Christmas

I was sleeping when the radio came on, creating that "jarring" sensation in my brain. Ugh, time to get up.

A safe drive to Jackson, with only a few other vehicles on the road. I was actually kind of surprised by that.

We had a horribly busy day on the Mother/Baby unit. Not only did we have a lot of patients, but they were fairly "new" and had needs. Add the babies into the mix, and then a pregnant patient go critical... Ah, the life of a nurse.

Lunch was not going to happen. The hospital offered free holiday meal to the employees, (which is nice, though the quality is less than optimal). I went to the cafeteria, got my food and ate half of the mashed sweet potatoes in the elevator on the way back to the floor. About 1:30 I was able to eat rest of the potatoes and the ham. I enjoyed the salad after I had clocked out, close to 4:00, 48 minutes of overtime later.

The highlight of my day was 1) that I was working with a great group of girls (although one was sick, and was her third day working with her coughing nose-blowing cold) and 2) that Frank came up to visit. He showed up just after 3 when I was supposed to be done, but he patiently waited while I finished charting, and we visited while I at my salad. I appreciated that Frank came up to the hospital to see me today.

Jeremy called while I was driving home, which was nice, too, and we had a good visit.

Dan and I had a quiet evening, and his daughter Kristen arrived about 7:30. She'll be staying until Tuesday. We caught up some; I look forward to seeing her more on Monday, as I work 12 1/2 hours tomorrow.

Dan works tomorrow, too.

Praise to the Lord for the gift of His son. Happy Birthday, Jesus.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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