Monday, December 6, 2010

Monday 12.06.2010

I slept again after Dan left for work, waking a little after 9. It's a cold, gray day out there.

A safe drive to Jackson, with a good dentist appointment. (Look, Mom, no cavities!!) A routine visit with no findings, next visit in June.

A safe drive home, thank you God, with a stop at Meijer to get groceries. When I got home, Frank was here, and he and Dan were working on that computer again. They got it repaired, and all is well.

Next was my new computer.

I had tried to get the programs set up so that I can download the eAudio books. Which I did, but when I tried to actually download the book, there was an error message that I didn't know what to do with. Before leaving for the dental appointment this morning, I spent about an hour on the phone with the tech support guy at the library, who walked me through stuff, but we were stuck. So Daniel has spent a couple hours this evening looking for the files we need to change, and we are one step further away from getting this resolved. I'm happy I have the "old" system to use still. The joys of getting a new system.

Tomorrow is a massage, and I am so ready for it.

I've felt pretty good overall today, just the usual aches and discomforts.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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