Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sunday 10.03.2010

It was hard to get up this morning, but I did.

A safe drive down, in the dark, and the temperature was 38 degrees when I pulled into the parking lot. Seasons are changing...

We had a busy busy day today. And being tired, I was extra careful with my worksheet. It was late in the shift before I was able to chart. Anything. But the patient care was done. Having a great group of co-workers makes the day so much better. The next shift came in, I finished up, and was able to leave. Thank you God.

A safe drive home, thanks again, and Daniel was up and awake! (he had taken a nap when he got home from work) We had a quiet evening.

He works tomorrow; I will rest. In between a few loads of laundry and maybe grocery shopping.

I was pretty sore this afternoon when the meds wore off, but I took more, which helped, mostly.

My eyes are heavy.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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