Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sunday 07.25.2010 My Birthday

Yup. Another birthday. 55. Woo Hoo!!

I slept pretty good, too, waking about 9:30 this morning. I had done an hour of yoga last night, and for the next couple of hours or so I was urinating a lot. The swelling has gone down a lot in my left arm, but the axilla/armpit is still kind of numb and itchy and full. I suppose I'll be making an appointment to see Ike at some point...

I had a great day today. After a breakfast, which was about noon, I put Dan's and my vitamins/supplements together. (we each take a multivitamin, calcium, B complex, and E, and he uses glucosamine and cal/mag, too) With all the prescription medication bottles from the pharmacy, we take the labels off of them, and put the days' supplements in them. Of course we've got more bottles than we need, and I take the extra ones to be recycled.

I also spent some time looking at the cd's that Jim had made us of the family photos. Interesting the things you see or notice at the different times when looking at them. It was an affirmation of my self and my family today. We are truly blessed with who we are.

Dan came home a bit early, as we didn't know when Jeremy would be calling us for dinner. He was napping, and Frank had arrived, and Jeremy said he would be in Flint at the Olive Garden at 4:30. I woke Dan, as it was 3:30 when Jeremy called, and we got on our way.

We had a lovely visit with Jeremy and his friend Jenny. We lingered after eating, but felt the need to leave, as the lobby was filling with people waiting, and we had been there a couple of hours.

A nice drive home, thank you God, and we three visited a little before Frank left. Dan went in to shower and has gone to bed. I've been watching the full moon rise in the clear summer sky. Makes me want to howl.

Tomorrow is a workday for both of us.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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