Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Wednesday 1.9.2008

What a beautiful day! I slept well--Daniel said so. (why do you say that, was I snoring?) Yeah, I was tired. After breakfasting, Dan went over to his golf lesson, and I went out for a run. Wow. The weather was so beautiful. The sun was warm, and I enjoyed being outdoors.

I showered, had a bite to eat, and went to Jackson. Fed Mom, visited with Jim and Polly (my brother and sister-in-law), got her ready for bed, and met my wonderful husband at Olive Garden for dinner, yum, and came home. Daniel finished getting his things packed for his golf trip to Florida tomorrow (he'll be back late Tuesday night, just in time for my chemotherapy on Wednesday), I wrote here, and we turned in.

Thank you all for reading. I hope you were able to enjoy the bright, warm sunshine, and thank God for another beautiful day.


  1. hey kathy,

    i finally got a chance to sit and read some of your blog. i just have to say that i admire you, you have a great out look on life. your strength is amazing. keep on keeping on.


  2. Thinking of you ,,,,

