Saturday, November 24, 2007

Post Op 11.23.2007

I wake up, see the clock, it's a little after four. Hmm, maybe I've been in here a while. A nice faced lady, she tells me her name is Jan, is at my side, and she takes my hand and strokes it. How nice is that?? She asks me how I feel--let me see. My breast really hurts. I mean, like really hurts. More than I thought it would. And I'm a little nauseated. But I'm not cold, there's lots of blankets on me. And the legs are off. (the compression stockings) She tells me she'll push me another dose of fentanyl. (another dose?) I drift off, and wake up about 4:25. Jan--I'm really nauseated. She helps me with the retching, belching (this is weird--) and I end up with a couple of drops of clear stuff. What's that about? She puts a cool cloth on my forehead. Oh, that's nice. The BP cuff inflates. I've watched the clock and see that it's set at 15 minute intervals. I doze off. The cuff inflates again. 15 minutes already? Nope, it's 5 o'clock. I know that I've been in there for at least an hour, and I'm sure longer than that, and she probably wants to get me moved on. She asks about the pain. Yeah-the fentanyl does a good job making it go away, maybe down to a 2, but the pain is back again. This really hurts, down by the nipple, a sharp pain. She draws up another dose of fentanyl. I mention that maybe the fentanyl is causing the nausea. Go ahead and give it and we'll see. The pain goes away. The BP cuff inflates. 5:15. Nausea. Yup. Urp, belch, spit a drop of clear stuff. She calls Dr. for different medication. She gives me 12.5 mg of benadryl, the cuff inflates, (5:45?) she disconnects me and somehow I get rolled over to Patient 23.

Alicia welcomes me, gets me settled, Betsy comes in, they hover a minute. Alicia asks if I'm ready to see my family, I say yes. Daniel appears through the curtain, and Alicia goes off to get the rest--Frank, Jim, Polly, and Tom. Daniel tells me that the sentinal node was positive and that I've had a full axillary dissection. Boo. Wow, what a deflation. I really was not expecting that. Daniel is saying other things, I'd better pay attention. What? My breast really hurts. That Dr. Sanchez explained everything to them about 3:00. It's now 6. I've been in recovery 3 hours. I don't feel ready to leave. I see Polly, Jim, Tom, Frank coming through the curtains. Jim comes up and kisses me (aw, thanks Jim) and Polly comes in and takes my hand. I tell her the sentinal node was positive (of course she already knew) I think I was whining. I tell her my breast really hurts. I think I was whining then, too. Tom stands at the foot of the cart, smiling. Hey sis, you look like shit! Yeah, I feel like it, too. Polly kisses me too after reassuring me that we'll get through this. Jim and Polly leave. Thanks for being here. Frank is hanging back with Dan. Alicia asks about the nausea and pain. I tell her I'm ready for more pain medicine, she offers Reglan for nausea, then pain medicine later. Ok, whatever. Shoot the Reglan. I doze off, and wonder what bag of IV fluid I'm on, I think my bladder is stirring. I must have asked, because Alicia tells me that's the third bag. Yeah, I probably should get up to the bathroom. It's been about 15 minutes so she gives me dilaudid for pain. I've seen my patients with this on board--I wondered how I would tolerate this one. The pain's better. Kinda woozy. Close my eyes. Ok.

Time to go to the bathroom. With Alicia on one side of me, and Daniel on the other, I weave into the bathroom. How strange. They help me with the IV bag and tubing, the patient gown, and my pants. I went to surgery with my pants on!!!!! No kidding. I sit down, and urinate. Good. That works. Ok. Stand up-whoa-Dan's holding me steady. I get my clothing straightened around, and get over to the sink. I look in the mirror--Tom's right. Eww. But my hair still looks almost good. In the front. I wash my hands, then pull some water to my mouth. I rinse and hold a couple of handsful of water, then back over to my cubicle. I need to stay awake, and accept Alicia's offer of sitting in the recliner. I'm tremoring now, and they cover me up. Alicia takes out my IV. I have some ice water that I'm really trying to sip on, and saltines. As I nibble on the saltine, I don't dare open my mouth, because it's so dry I'm afraid I'll spray cracker flour. I manage to alternate cracker crumbs with droplets of water and swallow some paste. I want to get home. I end up being able to drink a few ounces of water. Ok. She asks me about the prescription, I ask could she call it in to the CVS in Holt?? Sure... She does, and goes over discharge instructions with Dan. I take the opportunity to go back to sleep for a few minutes... Dan and maybe Frank help me into the bathroom again, I pee again, (Frank left) and Dan helps me with the bra and shirt. (I put a separating zipper into the front of a sports bra--it works well) I have my jacket on, and Betsy takes me to the door in the wheelchair. I get poured into the car, and we make it to the drugstore, then home. The drive I don't remember much.

Daniel pulls up in front of the garage, he and Frank help me out of the car. Frank helps me through the garage, then up the stairs. That was a giggle. Whoa. Had to stop and regroup a few times. Let me say, I was happy to be home. I couldn't walk by myself, Dan helped me into the bathroom again, then into bed. He brought me the laptop so I could make that brief entry. I also remember that I asked him to take me to the bathroom about 2:00. After that, I was ok to be up by myself.

What a day.

1 comment:

  1. feeling better today I hope after that long day.. home, warm, and cozy
