Saturday, May 10, 2014

Saturday 05.10.2014

A great day today!

Jenny, Matilda, and I went to the grocery store. What a hoot!  Matilda is chattering to anyone who looks at her, starting with Hi. And she's just so cute, people say hi back.

Tonight we went out for a delectable supper, and she was just as personable.

My ankle is better.  I've iced it three times today with a significant decrease in swelling.  It doesn't really hurt, though my gait is not "normal".  Getting better. Range of motion is pretty good, too.  Bruising is looking yellow in a large area above the ankle, and bruised below.

Tomorrow Jeremy and Jenny are leaving on their trip--first time without Matilda. I expect a meltdown or two, and I know we'll be ok.

Thank you for reading. Hugs.

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